full moon midnight of October 1, 2020

Impatient busy hands!
Leave the glue alone!

Waiting for glue to dry is like waiting for Godot. 
Glue only knows eternity and it takes forever to dry.
Once dry, eternity ends.  

Godot is not late.
His ghosting set in motion this impatience.

Impatient busy hands!
Coming in and out to fuck with eternity forever with your 
tweaks and 
pressures and 
caresses and 

Imagine a chair,
Have a wait while you sit.

A chair is a proposition.
It’s a site by being at rest.
It's the tree waiting for Godot.
A chair is a chair, is a chair, is a chair.

A chair is a placeholder.
For those who are on their ways,
for those who left,
and for those who ghosted.
A possibility for the avoidant,
potential for the unavailable,
a paradox for the nonexisting.

It’s Godot never showing up.
It's for those who are still waiting.
Lonely and horny both at heart.

Out of sight

But why so human-centric?
99.9999999% of relations in the cosmos are not human-related. 
What if the Tree is the one waiting upon Godot?
And Vladimir and Estragon are there to keep it company? 

A construction site does not have knowledge of its own timeline. Like Glue drying, it is perpetually located in provisional conditions in the present tense. Every condition is eternal-- and those eternities temporarily overlap. In overlaps, they keep each other company.

Vladimir, Estragon, and The Tree,
Their temporalities overlap.
They are each other's company, and they are the company they keep. 
Their companionship consists of being on this site.
And the site is situated in their relationships. 

We are still in the endless possibilities of the black box.
Slowly flirting our way out towards site-specificity.
In the black box, you can choose to be anywhere. 
The fact that we take it everywhere and nowhere at the same time is worrisome. 

SITE is not a specific location or a place in the logic of this notion, rather, 
SITE is considered to be more of a situation. A condition. A circumstance. An event.
An eternity on a temporary timeline.
SITE is the period that the construction process takes place and not the place that is being sited. 

Hand to Mouth as a Company is on SITE. 
Through the distances we share, physically and socially-- our relationships, conversations, the props, our skins, the workshops, the studio, The Studio, and the studio, are the sites in which we are each other’s Company. And at the moment I am the Glue.
Of the many elements surrounding this project, there is little communication among them individually. I am the Glue and conduit for these dialogs and exchanges and their relationships with one another.

It's not too late to make time.

The scenery of waiting for Godot is a Chair Repair Shop.

H2M drawing (site)(s_no edge).jpg

Dancers: Tushrik Fredrick, Laura K. Nicoll, Deville Cohen
Inanimate Collaborators: Ganesha, Twin Towers, Les Chaises 01-17
Created, Directed and Edited by: Deville Cohen
Choreography: Tushrik Fredrick, Laura K. Nicoll, Deville Cohen  
Guest Editor (text): Ian Cofre
Soundtrack: You Don’t Know Me by Apparat ©️2007 Shitkatapult